Tranquillo Cremona e gli artisti lombardi del suo tempo - Catalogo delle opere esposte nel Castello Visconteo di Pavia. Aprile-Giugno 1938-XVI
Catalogo delle opere esposte nel Castello Visconteo di Pavia. Aprile-Giugno 1938-XVI
Author: s.a.
Publisher: Tumminelli & C. Editori
Place of printing: Rome - Milan
Year of publication: [1938]
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Volume bound in canvas, with titles and impressions in gold on the front plate, with signs of wear and dust spots. Yellowed pages. Cuts markedly yellowed and with slight dust spots. Slightly loose binding of some booklets. Text in Italian language.
Pages: 85
Format: Hardbound
Attached "List of works exhibited in the Visconteo Castle of Pavia".
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