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This section contains all the photography books e photo volumes dis available in our online library. A selection that is; able to respond to every taste and interest to rediscover the world around us from another point of view.
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What is this? a photo book?

The photographic book is a must-have. born from the union of a series of photographs and placed inside an album, collected as if it were a book.
In these pages you will find texts of small/medium length, at the discretion of the author, the photographer, or because it no, both.
Unlike all the other books, to create a photo book it is necessary to create a photo book. It is necessary to have certain skills that represent both worlds, that of writing and that of photography.
It sounds easy, but to match the free style of the photographs with the rigidity of the photographs. lexical that we can find in any text, it is not; absolutely a walk.
To start composing the "photographic symphony" You need to get a clear idea of ​​what you intend to tell, whether it's a story or simply a sequence of images.
Before setting foot in this operation it is necessary to the case of creating a mental map of the structure of your photo book.


How to create a photo book?


To create a photo book you need to set up a photo book. It is useful to already have a story imprinted in the head.
Telling a story through photos allows the reader to enter more deeply into the book and let himself be moved and captured by the expressiveness of the book. of the images.
To tell a story is a must. it is useful, together with the photographs, to add a written text, a comment that can explain the images taken more clearly.


What do we at Di Mano in Mano offer you?


In our catalogs you can find photographic books by various authors, landscape photography books and even books that tell of the progress of photography.
You can come and visit us at the Cambiago store or to the Milan shop and you will find photo books milan.

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Robert Mapplethorpe, Arthur Coleman Danto


Robert Mapplethorpe, Arthur Coleman Danto

This major, long out-of-print survey, widely regarded as the definitive overview of Mapplethorpe's black-and-white photography, is once again available in a new, updated edition. It presents a comprehensive selection of Mapplethorpe's nudes, portraits, self-portraits, floral still lifes and other works, including his best known and most controversial images. Mapplethorpe's choices were both innovative and bold, and his work has continued to resonate since his early death in 1989. His cutting-edge use of homoerotic and other challenging themes has become embedded in our culture, with pervasive echoes not only in the work of other artists but in mainstream advertising as well.

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Zoe Leonard
Zoe Leonard

Zoe Leonard
Centre National de la Photographie

Zoe Leonard

Zoe Leonard
Centre National de la Photographie

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Forte e gentile
Forte e gentile

Massimo Pacifico

Forte e gentile

Massimo Pacifico

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Mustang, Immagini nel silenzio / Images of silence
Mustang, Immagini nel silenzio / Images of silence

Gianni Limonta, Enrico Silva
Ferrari Editrice

Mustang, Immagini nel silenzio / Images of silence

Gianni Limonta, Enrico Silva
Ferrari Editrice

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Italian Carousel
Italian Carousel

Andrei Navrozov
Hurtwood Press

Italian Carousel

Andrei Navrozov
Hurtwood Press

Andrei Navrozov has described himself as a political refugee from Russia, a cultural refugee from America, and a gastronomic refugee from Britain. Yet the theme of his new book is altogether less flippant: where in the homogenizing and modernizing Europe would the hardened individualist find a last refuge? The answer to that question takes the reader on an uncompromising, occasionally eccentric but deeply personal and always entertaining travelogue with the author on his first day in Rome to his last night at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, and through a number of Italian cities, with sidelong glances at 70s Moscow, 80s New York, and 90s London. All of which leads him to "home" and the end of his flight from social progress: Palermo. Italy. Accompanying him to each of these destinations is the author's Phiz, the Russian photographer Gusov. His forty-eight arresting images serve to give another dimension to Navrozov's ideas, arguments, and impressions.

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Guida all'immagine. Paesaggi e giardini
Guida all'immagine. Paesaggi e giardini

Michael Busselle

Guida all'immagine. Paesaggi e giardini

Michael Busselle

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Immagini e fotografi dell'Umbria 1855-1945
Immagini e fotografi dell'Umbria 1855-1945

Diego Mormorio, Enzo Eric Toccaceli
Edizioni Oberon

Immagini e fotografi dell'Umbria 1855-1945

Diego Mormorio, Enzo Eric Toccaceli
Edizioni Oberon

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Giardini segreti a Venezia
Giardini segreti a Venezia

Cristiana Moldi-Ravenna, Tudy Sammartini
Arsenale Editrice

Giardini segreti a Venezia

Cristiana Moldi-Ravenna, Tudy Sammartini
Arsenale Editrice

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National Geographic. I grandi fotografi
National Geographic. I grandi fotografi

Leah Bendavid-Val
National Geographic Society - Mondadori

National Geographic. I grandi fotografi

Leah Bendavid-Val
National Geographic Society - Mondadori

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Un paese del sud
Un paese del sud

Mario De Biasi, Attilio Boccazzi-Varotto
priuli&verducca editori

Un paese del sud

Mario De Biasi, Attilio Boccazzi-Varotto
priuli&verducca editori

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Plains. Les mains
Plains. Les mains

Robert Rene
Forces Vives

Plains. Les mains

Robert Rene
Forces Vives

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I battelli del Lario
I battelli del Lario

Massimo Gozzi
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

I battelli del Lario

Massimo Gozzi
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore

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Fotografia italiana 1955
Fotografia italiana 1955

Gino Oliva
Fantoni & C.

Fotografia italiana 1955

Gino Oliva
Fantoni & C.

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I Colli Berici
I Colli Berici

Reginaldo Dal Lago, Alberto Girardi
Cierre Edizioni

I Colli Berici

Reginaldo Dal Lago, Alberto Girardi
Cierre Edizioni

L'altopiano dei Berici, alle porte di Vicenza eppure già lontano dagli spazi compressi e caotici della città, è uno degli angoli d'Italia con la più grande varietà di sfondi naturali: ampie piane assolate e morbidi profili collinari accanto a profonde incisioni vallive e a scaranti tumultuosi. Su questa base naturale multiforme si è svolta per millenni l'attività dell'uomo: le colline beriche sono state percorse, lavorate, fertilizzate dalla fatica di tante comunità. Ma a scene dove campeggia il travaglio del vivere, se ne affiancano altre di segno completamente opposto, che sembrano discendere da un mondo ideale e ruotano intorno alle magnifiche ville palladiane. L'uomo, nel plasmare il paesaggio, lo ha al tempo stesso anche studiato attraverso scienza e storiografia, lo ha interpretato nei riti e nei culti pagani e cristiani, nelle pratiche di vita, nelle credenze, nelle leggende; lo ha riflesso nella denominazione delle cose e degli individui, lo ha rappresentato nelle mappe e nella pittura, lo ha raccontato nei romanzi e nella poesia. Di questa imponente complessità tematica rende conto il volume, arricchito di un apparato fotografico.

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Tina Modotti
Tina Modotti

Antonio Vidali, Rafael Alberti Piero Berengo Gardin Uliano Lucas, Maria Caronia
Idea editions

Tina Modotti

Antonio Vidali, Rafael Alberti Piero Berengo Gardin Uliano Lucas, Maria Caronia
Idea editions

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Chiara Samugheo. Il reale e l'effimero
Chiara Samugheo. Il reale e l'effimero

ERI Edizioni Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana

Chiara Samugheo. Il reale e l'effimero

ERI Edizioni Rai Radiotelevisione Italiana

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La légende de Saint-Germain-des-Prés
La légende de Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Michel Tavriger, Serge Jacques
La roulotte

La légende de Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Michel Tavriger, Serge Jacques
La roulotte

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Face à face
Face à face

Frans Lanting

Face à face

Frans Lanting

Les remarquables illustrations de cet ouvrage sont accompagnées d'anecdotes personnelles et de commentaires inspirés par une vie de travail auprès des animaux du monde entier, depuis les orangs-outans des forêts tropicales de Bornéo jusqu'aux manchots empereurs de l'Antarctique. Plus de 70 espèces défilent dans cette fascinante galerie de portraits qui célèbrent, chacun à sa manière, la diversité de la vie sur terre. Parmi les rares personnes qui ont fait l'expérience d'un tête-à-tête avec toutes ces créatures, Frans Lanting est le seul à lés avoir photographiées de cette manière. " J'ai vécu avec des albatros sur une petite île de l'océan Pacifique, j'ai suivi des lémuriens dans les forêts de Madagascar ; ce sont là des moments qui m'ont appris à voir le monde à travers d'autres yeux " avoue, Lanting, et il ajoute aussitôt : " Mais ce que je recherche dans ce type de contact, ce n'est pas uniquement la beauté, comme les photographes de la faune sauvage ont coutume de la glorifier. À travers mes compositions photographiques, je cherche le meilleur moyen de montrer la force et la dignité de la vie animale dans la nature. "

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L'Aquila. Bianco e nero
L'Aquila. Bianco e nero

Roberto Grillo
Edizioni Fotogramma

L'Aquila. Bianco e nero

Roberto Grillo
Edizioni Fotogramma

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Cento istantanee
Cento istantanee

Vittorio Zumaglino, Marziano Bernardi
Editore Ulrico Hoepli

Cento istantanee

Vittorio Zumaglino, Marziano Bernardi
Editore Ulrico Hoepli

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